Went to Raksila yesterday to take part in their winter recreation games. Basically there was just sledding, but that was quite enough for me. Enjoy the pictures!
(All pics courtesy of Stefano's camera. Not all were taken by him though. haha.)
Lucie, Jurate and Eva.
Preparing to go down.
The adventurers who started the ball rolling!
The chair on skis. Great for ski-sledding. LOL. A great way to go down the slope (for 2 people - 1 sitting, one standing behind), but beware the humps, they will make u fly like Superman. And crash into the ground later cos you ain't have wings and you aren't Superman.
Some girl from Finland (I suppose, I don't know!) and Hannah.
Manu and Stefano.
Manu and me down the slope!
Me and Jurate on a float!
Terrible way down to go. See the big bump there? and another following it. Got my back banged against the snow and my lip cut when I hit my head. But I liked it! (The going down part, not the cuts! but no pain no gain LOL.) Jurate didn't get it too good either but she was much better off than me.
The people and the sleds.
Me and Stefano. Thinking about how to crash safely. LOL!
Jurate and Emma.
Manu and Elena.
Jurate and Stefano.
Afternoon tea after all the action.
Lucie and Emma.After that we went back to cook, then went to the Architecture Guild House for a party and some sauna, before going back to school to watch the ice hockey match between Finland and Czech Republic with some Czechs and other international students. Finland won 4-2.
After the match we were feeling hungry so Jurate and me went to Stefano's flat for some pasta. It was good =)
Another happening day comes to an end. Well spent, I say.
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