Exams are here!
It was a tad more greenish than the first one I saw. But then the ones in the later night were almost whitish. SO SUCKY!
I have one exam this Friday and also another next Friday.
Pray for me please. I don't relish the prospect of having to retake ANY of them.
Your reward? More pics from all over Europe.
P.S.: Made my decision not to follow ZM, WL and JF to Rovaniemi. For me, a rather painful one since it would have been one/two days of snowmobiling, reindeer riding, aurora viewing and visiting Santa "Hohoho" Claus at his Post Office (I heard he can speak other languages besides Finnish). All for these exams. I better pass them. God, please be fair to me, k?
UPDATE: Saw my professor and asked if the exam tested chaps 2, 6-12 like he said before (just to double confirm). He corrected me by saying it's chap 2, 6-8, 12-14. Well done. Now I have more to study. ARGGGGGHHHH! Anyway, he said he will do a private exam for me in the event that I don't pass. He's really a nice guy I suppose. If it's in NUS, you can dream on. Still, I want to pass first time round!
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