Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I love Finnish people

This is a special article to all the people of Finland. I love you all!

The Finns are the most honest people around, maybe even more so than Singaporeans. It is very evident when you come to Finland, and there is a general atmosphere of trust, even towards foreigners. I hope that this atmosphere will never be spoilt by cheaters who want to make use of the system.

2 examples of things that have happened to me so far:

1. Left my handphone in the toilet of the gym in Linanmaa Sports Hall.
Result: found it back in EXACTLY the same spot which I left it. No one was interested in my Nokia phone.

2. Left a library book near the photostating machine outside the school bookshop.
Result: Book was returned to the library.

I am just so happy that I don't need to pay 45 euros to the library for losing their book.
Thank you Finns!

I'm so happy!