Thursday, March 30, 2006

Spring is coming

Yes it is indeed. Days are getting longer and earlier, nights are getting shorter (but still very cold) and there is an overall cheeriness about the environment (because the sun is getting brighter!) In Singapore, you will never understand why a bright sun means you can cheer up. Wait till you have cloudy days for weeks in a stretch, then you finally understand why all ang mohs* love the sun so much.

But here in Oulu, the snow refuses to melt, even in the face of the sun's heat. Well, I want to see a place without snow soon, er, like now. Tired of snow already. And who said snow was romantic? If you stayed 1 week, yeah maybe, but now it's kinda boring. White all over the place, like some artist with no creativity who just poured some white paint over his canvas, and called it art. DUH!

Several people are going home tomorrow, and it's kinda sad cos it's also the end of my exams! Too bad our "fate" has come to an end. Despite all the sayings to "let's see each other again" and "come to my home country! I will find lodging for you!", I know that I must be pretty darned lucky to spot them in the midst of other Europeans in Europe (unless of course we arrange to meet). Then again, Europe is not as big as Asia cos there are very few water bodies separating all the countries.

I will be going to Russia in less than 2 weeks time. W00t! Damn happy.

But now, it's time for exam revision. One more day. =)

*ang mohs = refers to Westerners as a whole.